Day 1 - Choose your course: ( 11:10 AM)
Instructor: Bishop Charles McClaine
Course: Transforming the Adjutancy & Armor Bearers | 11:0 AM This class will distinguish the differences between an adjacent to and an armor bearer and offer principles and strategies to produce authentic servitude in both areas.
Instructor: Dr. Carla Greenwood
Course: Transforming Administration | 11:10 AM This session will focus on how to expand your administration, staff, and leadership to think “Kingdom Corporate.”
Instructor: Bishop Ken Chambers
Course: Transforming Finances (Church Finances) | 11:10 AM This course will train you on the proper ways to run the finance ministry like a corporate accounting department.
Instructor: Episcopal Vicar Leon Scoggins
Course: Transforming Media | 11:10 AM This course is designed to provide strategies and focus on how to advance your
church’s social media and branding competencies.
Instructor: Pastor Brenda Looney
Course: Transforming Operations | 11:10 AM This course is designed to explore the vast operational services that impact the
worship experience.
Day 1 - Choose your course: (12:35 PM)
Instructor: Pastor Belinda Lawson
Course: Transforming Evangelism & Outreach | 12:35 AM This course will provide insight on how to share and sustain the message of
Jesus Christ with those least likely to attend a traditional church service or facility.
Instructor: Bishop Chris Woods
Course: Transforming Events | 12:35 PM This course will focus on how to properly execute well-planned events, and key marketing strategies to further expose your ministry to promote the Kingdom and the vision of our Leaders effectively.
Instructor: Bishop Ken Chambers
Course: Transforming the Altar Worker | 12:35 PM This course will train and develop those who have the gift(s) of healing, deliverance, and miracles, on how to properly engage the altar experience.
Course: Transforming Children & Youth Ministry | 12:35 PM This course will offer the necessary tools to build, enhance, and continually develop local youth ministry, youth leadership, and volunteers; providing strategies to properly engage and interact with youth all while promoting a healthy spiritual balance.
Instructor: Bishop Ronald Hopkins
Course: Transforming through Servitude | 12:35 PM This session will explore the benefits of serving, articulating the significance of regard and reward while serving in the house of The Lord.
Day 2 - Choose your course (9:30 am):
Instructor: Pastor Annaias Word
Course: Transforming Christian Education | 9:30 This session will discuss the impact and value of teaching and learning through
Christian education or other programs like Christian education.
Instructor: Bishop Albert Simmons
Course: Transforming Music | 9:30 This course is designed to cultivate those in music, igniting worship flow, musical execution, and the overall ability to create the ideal worship experience.
Instructor: Pastor Matt Blumenberg
Course: Transforming the Experience | 9:30 AM This course will explore how ministry and services are delivered to worshippers from the parking lot to the pulpit, and how to step by step engage worshippers through the various experiences to encourage loyalty and sustainability.
Instructor: Apostle Torace Solomon
Course: Transforming the Five-Fold Ministry | 9:30 AM This session will explore the characteristics of the 5-fold ministry, and how to maximize each gift to add value to ministry and advance God’s agenda on the earth.
Instructor: Bishop Tyree Beard
Course: Transforming the Vision (Vision Casting) | 9:30 AM This course will explain the key components of casting and sustaining vision. agenda on the earth.
Day 2 - Choose your course (10:55 am):
Instructor: Bishop Arlando Williams
Course: Transforming Human Resources | 10:55 AM This course will discuss effective business strategies to improve church/ ministry operations and explore ways to collaborate with marketplace vendors/ operational systems to advance
the church, equipping it for growth.
Instructor: Bishop Clarence Brown
Course: Transforming Pastoral Care | 10:55 AM This session will employ comprehensive systems to demonstrate a community of care during times of celebration and times of tribulation.
Instructor: Bishop Cornelius Williams
Course: Transforming Preaching | 10:55 AM The course will unpack a systematic process of sermon preparation, exegetical study
techniques, and tips on how to effectively deliver a message from the pulpit. This course will include academic, practical, and spiritual insight on how to shift the preacher.
Instructor: Pastor Nissan Stewart
Course: Transforming Production | 10:55 AM This course is designed to discuss how to prepare production to capture and deliver the presence of God in the sanctuary and streaming platform.
Instructor: Executive Pastor Paula Dickens
Course: Transforming Second Tier Leadership | 10:55 This session will explore the benefits of serving, articulating the significance of regard and reward while serving in the house of The Lord.